Hmmmm, it's unfortunately very rough in its current state. Not only does it have some bugs and general jank to it, but I found the combat to be really crude: everything is just too chaotic with how fast bullets can fly and enemies shooting so erratically without telegraphs for it to feel like I can skillfully play and get that ideal cowboy tussle. Elements like the tables and such felt underused too.
I will say, however, that I find the concept very interesting and wish it would be built upon. I find it very reminiscent of much-loved Resi Evil 4's combat where you switch between movement and stand-your-ground precision aiming, and I could definitely see this working in a similar manner with better enemy and encounter design. So in that regard, I think this is a pretty cool prototype and a great example of a game jam result: despite it all, I find it having a lot of potential and I can't help thinking what it's final version would be like!