Fun goofy little arcade game! For the most part, I really like the goofy energy that this game gives off through a combination of its wacky music, funny little worm character expressions/animations, and juicy special effects. Gameplay is decent in that it's fast-paced fun to zip around and stay alive as long as possible while munching gems, but minding the different terrain that can slow you down, make you fall, or even blow you up. Also thought the design touches like being able to move your worm around slowly as they die were novel (but gruesome when juxtaposed against the generally happy aesthetic).
It makes a pretty solid impression and ain't bad, but I will admit that it got pretty boring quite fast: I didn't feel like the terrain added enough to the strategy of the game, nor did I think the game escalated enough with new obstacles as after bombs are added it seems to peter out with nothing else to add, and the game wasn't really that difficult, meaning I just play until I get bored and kill myself, meaning that a bad impression is inevitably left. Would've loved more obstacles like maybe blocks you can't burrow through, or maybe lava blocks that can flow, and so on. I'd also love some sort of combo meter/score counter so the game is less about just plain ol' survival but trying to pull off cool chains and get big points beyond just depth. Also thought the whole way you can move after death was odd in that you'd think you could recover in some way, similar to a Borderlands Second Chance, but there was nothing to do but die: again, gruesome.
Basically, I like the energy and thought it had potential, but at the moment it's a bit too simple for my time and is thus short-lived. Still, I hope that throwing this game together was a fun experiment and got some ideas flowing in the brain for future!