Hmm, an interesting application, but I found it to be a bit overly clunky and glitchy, unfortunately. It did have some cool moments: for example, I really like how the app handled the panel of the character stepping on the lips, where instead of showing the entire panel, it shows it in two separate moments, one being the character lording over, and the second being the lips trampled underfoot. Very cool, and I'd love it if there were lots more instances like that. However, for a lot of other panels, it just didn't work: it'd separate them into two moments but it would just cut-off text or pictures 50-50 and make it difficult to read or parse. Furthermore, don't know why the controls were split between mouse and keyboard instead of just using one: I kept expecting to flip to the next page by pressing the right arrow key, but instead I need to switch to the mouse just to click a button. If you're going to involve the mouse, I'd love if it I could use it for other elements, like clicking on certain panels, or maybe zooming in with the scroll-wheels on certain parts so I could read and examine at my own pace. Flipping a page didn't look as elegant as it could've been either: the animation plays, but the page doesn't actually skip until way later, and it still plays the animation even if you go back a page on the very first page which shouldn't be possible. Checkpointing for panels was weird as well: if I go back a page, I expect to hit right and have me start at the beginning, but it still treats it as if I'm at the last panel, despite me wanting to go back (also, sometimes the app would just stop working with the arrow keys altogether and freeze). There are many other issues I could point out but I think you get the gist. Again, hearts in the right place and it's a neat attempt for an app, but at the moment it is lacking in usability in many ways.