Oof, this is a rough one for me!
I definitely want to give this game a lot of credit because I feel like it is really pulling off this whole retro DOS metroidvania it's going for, both in terms of style/presentation and in terms of the old-school difficulty design. A big sprawling map with all sorts of routes and upgrades to find, a huge variety of unique enemies to contend with, and that glorious DOS/pixel aesthetic, what more could I ask for?
But as much as I want to keep playing it because of how promising it looks and feels, I keep bouncing off of it because of the difficulty design. I'm someone who actually enjoys a lot of old-school difficulty, but man, this game just felt absolutely exhausting to play, especially when it starts pulling all sorts of bullshit like enemies respawning/entering from the sides of the screen. And perhaps I'm just the unluckiest bastard to play this, but it seemed like every single route I took would end up with me at a dead-end, staring at an item out-of-reach without some other sort of power-up that must be down another route I should've taken first if I had any damn clue where to go.
The final nail in the coffin for me was the lack of a proper save/load system: I made it to a statue and saved, hoping to revisit after a break, but when I selected continue at the main menu, it put me back at the very start! Perhaps it's one of those classic save/loads where it only saves your items collected and not your position, but ugh, it just feels so bad and eliminated the last remaining vestiges of my motivation!
So yeah, this game is something I both absolutely want to play, but also never want to see again: oh, the duality of man!
EDIT: I keep coming back to this to try it out, especially now since I know I can save, but jeez, this is hard to love! Did it seriously weaken my power after defeating the first boss? Enemies that used to take 2 hits now take 3! I don't think I can take this: this game is for like next-level masochists.
EDIT: ...surprisingly I keep coming back for more punishment. Actually making some decent headway now with another boss down and double jump acquired. What an odd experience, to be tossed back and forth between love and hate, haha.