Hey, this is a pretty neat game you got here! The world and characters are very charming and amusing, the story is surprisingly compelling, there's an intriguing vibe where it goes back and forth between silly and serious, there are so many interesting shops with items and ways to power up, the combat is simple yet deep with a big roster of enemies and the unique Gary companion, the boss fights are quite the spectacle, the music is cool and reminds me of Neon White, and so on and so forth! It's shaping up to be quite the interesting roguelike shooter!
That being said, there are some aspects I wanted to provide feedback on:
*I do like the combat and think it has a lot going for it on paper, but in execution, I found myself getting bored at the mob arena fights. Technically there are a lot of things to look out for with so many enemy types, but it just feels like it devolves into muddy chaos with every fight being the same enemies rushing at you, over and over. It looks like you're trying to pep it up with side objectives like collecting gears, but I don't know if that's enough. Maybe you need to change fights to feature only a few enemies instead of the whole roster every time, and make them stronger to be able to flex their unique properties more, that way fights feel more different?
*The items and such are nice, but I don't know if they are unique and interesting enough to make replays varied. Also, while the minigames are nice, they can be a bit long and I can understand if some people would get impatient having to go through them over and over.
*I'm a bit unclear how Gary works: can't tell if he is getting hurt or not and whether that changes when he is in attack mode or passive mode? When you send him out, does he have a limited amount of time left before he gets exhausted, or does he get damaged to get exhausted? What does the HP items do for him, exactly, and is there a way we can see his HP in combat?
*To expound more on Gary: I would like some more strategy when using him as currently it feels like its a no-brainer to just turn him into attack mode at the start of a round and leave him to it, as if he gets hurt you just heal him up at the end of a round for free. Feel like he needs to be something you should have to strategize or meaningfully use with care a bit more, like saving for emergencies, or toggling back-and-forth between passive/attack modes to keep him safe. Maybe he should do more than just damage so that Pepper and Gary have strengths/weaknesses that they help each other out with. He's a very unique and creative element to this game so I think he should have more importance to sell the duo nature!
*The boss fights were really cool with a lot of intricate patterns, but they felt a bit easy, especially if you abuse the special rapid-fire ability: you can melt these guys down before they can barely do a full cycle of their moves!
*Would be nice if there was a save/load system: I understand it might not be necessary now since the game is somewhat short, but if it does grow bigger, it'd be nice to take a break when our characters take a break on the train.
Would definitely like to see this get iterated upon if it still interests you!