Decent game, but a bit awkward to get used to! At its core, it's very nice: going through levels, punching the crap out of enemies, jumping over obstacles, and fighting interesting bosses. I did have a lot of fun with this, but there was a lot of confusion. For example, I found it really confusing that the knife/axe/torch weapons were used by punching, instead of having their own dedicated button, and that you need to select the fist in order not to waste ammo. As good as the punch animation looked, it was a bit annoying to get used to the fact that the punch doesn't come out instantly, as the delay meant I found up taking a lot of unnecessary damage. Level geometry was really awkward at times as well, and the fact that you can't even punch the first boss was a real let-down (luckily you can punch the second boss, that was a lot better)! Anyway, all of these complaints are nothing compared to my final complaint: you didn't give the player a manly victory pose when he beats a boss! C'mon man, rip that shirt off, you already had the sprite in the intro cutscene! But in all seriousness, it's a decent game, albeit a little clunky in my impression.