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Pretty cool game! I haven't played the first one, unfortunately, but I really love the professional design of this so much that I'm seriously considering it before I proceed with playing this some more! From what I've seen, this seems like a nice little adventure game: walk around the big world, talk with all manners of wacky characters, get to know them from collecting items to solve their problems with, all the while learning bits and pieces of the larger intrigue behind your existence. Tons of crazy little touches in this game, such as the animated text, speech bubble shadows, great graphics and animations: nice stuff!

That being said, there was something about how well-constructed the game was overall that made a lot of little odd things stand-out to me. It's kind of silly: I wouldn't complain about these for other games, but you've raised the bar so high here that I found it wild that you missed them, so sorry for punishing you for being good, haha. For example:

*Was puzzled at how hidden the save/load feature was all the way in the Settings menu: feel like it would be better served to be more accessible on the home screen given its importance. I actually didn't think it was even possible to save/load at first: even though I saw 'Data' in Settings, I easily thought it was just to access a reset/wipe, not save/load.

*Some dialogue was confusing: felt like sometimes it was implying that someone was thinking the lines instead of saying them despite using the same speech balloons no matter what. Would help if maybe the balloons could change shape: spiky ones for yelling, cloudy ones for thinking, etc.

*Was surprised that the footsteps didn't change depending on what surface you're walking on.

*Found it annoying that whenever you go into a phone option, like Settings, and then go back, it puts the cursor back on the default Messages instead of staying on the option you just selected previously.

*Found the transitions into houses and zones kind of annoying. I would prefer if they activate like anything else by popping up an exclamation point and confirming, instead of just walking into them, as sometimes I would walk past a door, not towards a door, and trigger going in despite not wanting to go in. Furthermore, was disappointed at the transition: would've loved a player animation of them going in, or at least a sound effect like a door being opened or fading footsteps.

*There were some odd graphical errors like misplaced tiles, as well as wind effects that look like they are supposed to be in front of a building yet are layered behind it.

*Would prefer if quest notifications only pop-up once the character has fully told you what the quest was: awkward that the notifications come so ahead of the game that it tells the future, haha.

*There's an awkward period after a zone transition where you're frozen solid for a bit too long: just feels really stiff, especially since it looks like everything is already loaded in and it's just waiting for the transition overlay animation to finish.

*Some minor typos, like "a quick peak won't hurt" instead of "a quick peek won't hurt". Those homophones will getcha like that!

I'm sure I could think up a bunch of other little nitpicks, but that's just me going overboard to provide feedback: these and any other aspects I can think up doesn't really hurt the game or anything like that as I still think what you have here is really cool!

JoelLikesPigs responds:


Lots to think about here - thanks for the feedback, I'll see about adding these as some improvements later down the line

Thanks again- and if you do have anything else feel free to message me directly always happy to get feedback

Decent little arcade game! The whole aspect of switching between defensive and offensive modes like Pacman was a fun pattern, and the game did a pretty good job at keeping things interesting with upgrades, new enemy types, and a general escalation of difficulty as it went on. Graphics and effects were pretty minimal, but delivered in a kind of sleek, brutalist way. Had a decent time getting to around level 10 where it kind of lost steam for me, but had a good time getting there.

If I were to have any complaints, it'd probably be that, like I said, the game does start to get rather repetitive. Once I got to around level 7 or so, the upgrades and enemy types started to constantly repeat the same over and over without providing anything new anymore. Couple that with the larger and larger XP gap meaning less rewards, along with the special effects of the game being quite bland (seriously, the sound effect for destroying missiles is so unsatisfying, I want a bunch of slow-mo booms for each missile destroyed followed by a big boom for them all once attack mode slow-mo stops) and it led to me getting bored and not really wanting to replay. But I mean, it's an arcade game, it doesn't need to last forever.

Also, and this is just me thinking instead of complaining, but I wonder if using a more classic Asteroids-esque control where you have momentum and drifting and such to contend might be more fun and have more room to learn skilled play rather than the mouse pointer controllers the game has: the mouse controls are nice in their own right, but it did seem to have a limit and got a bit repetitive after awhile, and could get confusing with hit detection if you try to make heavy swipes.

IdeasPerSecond responds:

Thank you for the highly detailed response, FuturecopLGF! I appreciate all of the points you put forward here. You make quite a few excellent observations that will help me to improve as a developer! Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review!

Nice little fun arcade game! It's very simple, but something about these physics-based games can be so addictive due to their analog controls, and the concept of controlling the wind rather than the player is a neat twist. Couple that with a good sense of progression from shrinking the tunnels and adding enemies, very forgiving hitboxes that along you to scrape the walls without dying, and some nice special effects for animating the wind and player, and it's well put-together all-around! If I were to have any complaints, it might be that it doesn't have very long-lasting appeal due to a lack of variety in runs and such, but hey, it was a nice time while it lasted!

bluswimmer responds:

Thank you!

Hey, pretty promising! I love me a good beat-em-up and this definitely had a lot of good points to it. Neat animations, tons of cool moves to use on enemies in stylish ways, satisfying feedback from attacks, good PS4 gamepad support, and so on.

Having said that, though, I am a lover of beat-em-ups and so I gotta be harsh on this with feedback so hopefully it becomes great in its final form. I might be going overboard with some of this stuff as its tough to tell what you already know you need to do since it's just a prototype, but here we go:

*Tutorial was kinda bad in that it throws way too much information on you and I could barely remember it all. Don't get me wrong, some of it is intuitive in that it uses rather universal controls that a lot of other beat-em-ups do, but it also had a lot of wacky stuff that flew right over my head. If I had my way, I'd like it if the tutorial was separated into bite-size sections: basic movement, basic combos, special moves, grabs, etc. Also it'd be great if you could actually control and participate to build muscle memory and learn by example. Also it'd be great to have a move list to quickly reference at any time, like in a fighting game.

*There were some wonky control issues that made moves come up when I didn't want them to. The biggest issue was running: you should only initiate a run when you press the same movement direction twice in succession! In this demo, it was possible to run by pressing two different directions quickly, when constantly screwed me up. Basically, you should only run when you quickly press left+left or right+right, don't run when you press left+right or right+left.

*The enemies were incredibly boring and brainless and lacked any sort of variety or threat to them. Sure they were kind of fun to beat up like sandbags at first, but it started to get real monotonous really fast. Changing their colors and giving them more health and just increasing the amount of them doesn't make the game fun: I need enemies with different attack patterns to contend with that really make me think, improvise, and crowd control. You know, maybe get some jumping enemies, some grabber enemies, some fast enemies, some projectile throwers, whatever it be. Quality over quantity is the goal here. Without that I can't really get a feel for whether the combat is any fun in the long term.

*The fact that you couldn't go up or down in the space felt very limiting: usually beat-em-ups are 2.5D and have a great strategy to them where you need to use the whole space to crowd control: moving around to dodge or herd or control enemies. Don't get me wrong, 2D beat-em-ups can work, but this game didn't really show me it working at all: as said, the enemies were really brainless so all you had to do was just punch left and right and that was it: felt like there was no strategy to be gained, though if you vary the enemies to make up for this and work with the 2D space, then it would be fine.

*There were a coupla cases here and there where the game just felt kinda wonky, like maybe my punch hitbox being a bit shorter than I would expect, and the ground pickups being offset so much it looks like I shouldn't be able to pick them up: just subtle stuff like that, hard to explain it all.

Best of luck on working on this: love me some beat-em-ups and I'd love to see this become great as, while I do have some complaints, I think it has a solid foundation to work from!

PizzaKiddo responds:

thank you for play testing the early demo prototype... we'll have new updates late November early December. For more weekly updates, join our Discord or follow us on Twitter. We have noted all of your feedback... Thanks again!🙏

Not too shabby! I don't think it necessarily has enough going for it to appeal for that long, but I think it has some solid fundamentals, in a sort of 'good student project' kind of way.

As said, the gameplay does show some promising aspects to it: I like how you are rewarded with more points for making skilled long-range shots. Similarly, hooking those double-sided gem rocks felt so great with the way they clear the entire board. I especially like the subtle touches such as how your score ticks up when you get points instead of just instantly changing: very satisfying! There's also a nice strategy where you want to hook big ones, but you need to think whether its worth the risk as it might entail letting some rocks go and losing precious bridge real estate. It's a simple game, but its decent!

However, I feel like it didn't take too long for me to get bored. For one, the game is rather dry: while the ticking up of the score was nice in terms of making it juicy, I wish there was more feedback on making more difficult shots, like getting a flash or voice clip or nice sound effect or just increasing the font size when hooking a 100 or even better, a 500 pointer. The game was also a bit confusing despite being so simple: I couldn't figure out why I wasn't being rewarded more points or some sort of bonus for hooking gem rocks, especially when the tutorial gave such importance to them: only the double gem rocks yielded any kind of benefit (and a good benefit indeed, though perhaps too overpowered considering how easily you can get so much of them later on).

As said before, this feels like it was put together for a decent little arcade experience: would've loved to see more complexity and progression from this, more levels and hazards and power-ups and all that, but you got the basics down and that's pretty solid.

Cyranek responds:

Thanks for playing and taking the time to write this all out. Really helps to get good feedback!

The geodes / crystal stones repair the bridge you're standing on when caught. Single gems repair 1 and double gems repair 5 (while also clearing the screen). I could've shown this better in the tutorial screen / telegraphed it better during gameplay.

Would love to come back to this and add a progression system and new game modes. It would definitely add some needed depth to the game. :)

Hmmm, this was an odd one for me, but I could chalk it up to be being an old fuddy-duddy, I suppose, haha.

On one hand, despite the rather seemingly juvenile art and presentation, I felt like the game has a real charm to the way it was constructed and showed a lot of hidden depth and effort. The game is certainly unique with all sorts of weird events and levels coming up to keep things interesting. There are a lot of cool subtle touches like the way you character slowly gets ripped apart with the more times you die and get closer to game over. I definitely loved the weird warp zone bonus levels as well: gave me a real Super Meat Boy 8-Bit levels vibe. Overall, it is certainly quite the unique and weird trip.

The game can definitely be pretty janky though. Hitboxes for spikes felt really unfair and difficult to determine, and movement and physics felt really weird as well, possibly due to the way the graphics (especially the player) kept wiggling around and changing shapes so you could never get a clear read. For example, I actually thought my character kept sliding across the ground like ice, but it was just the weird idle animation and the way it shifts sidewise a bit as it loops. While the levels could be quite interesting at times, a lot of them would sometimes be incredibly boring and having nothing of interest. The combat was also lacking any satisfying feedback or strategy to it. The descriptions for item pick-ups would come and go so fast without me being being able to read them, and there wasn't a way I could click on my inventory items to see what abilities they had as reference either. Just made for a really confusing time.

And this is the tough part for me but, the game just felt super cringe, with the voice acting being the primary culprit. I know, I know, it's supposed to be intentional and all that, with the way the character keeps taking a gasp so he can continue his run-on gabbing and the way everyone is being all goofy, but I was straight into that menu and cranking the voice volume to zero pronto. I wouldn't mind if the voices would appear here and there at notable events, but it was a constant audio onslaught with voices and sound effects and other voices overlapping each other and making everything just a garbled mess and difficult to parse. It can work, but it just needs some construction to it, I feel: less is more.

crow-seeds responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Haha, as a developer it's kinda hard to tell if something feels jank or weird when you've played the game for so long that you've gotten numb to the weirdness. If it's causing you too much trouble, the wiggling doodle effect can be turned off in the main menu settings!

The combat does feel a bit lack luster. Tried to add a combo system where you whack and then click stab to launch an enemy further (or the other way around for a different effect). Wanted to make it simple and easy to use to put more emphasis on the platforming, but I guess it still feels two dimensional. Maybe some more audio and visual feedback is in order? The levels in the beginning chapters are made to be simple to teach the player the mechanics, the later ones are much more interesting I promise!

Anyways, I wanted to say I appreciate long comments like these, I'll try to implement some of these changes in future updates!

Edit: Just realized the slippy moving back and forth and jankiness is due to frame rate and lag! Working on a fix, thanks for letting me know, testing on my lower end devices rn. This was not intentional and the janky hitbox was a result of this. Working on this asap

Wow, great little game!

Not much to say about it, it's just some good ol' classic Gappy fun but in a GameBoy flavor and I had a good time playing it without any major complaints. Presentation was charming, music was cool, levels were fun and challenging, love the way the mechanics were varied in each world, jumping felt good and I didn't have any botched jumps due to bad inputs or anything like that, and so on: it's all that and a bag of chips!

If I had to search myself for some sort of complaint, it'd probably just be that the difficulty curve can be a little awkward: I definitely felt like the space gravity world should be switched with the circus world in terms of order, and some levels here-and-there were serious spikes in challenge. I also wish there was a save/load: I know it can be a short game technically but still, a continue is always a nice thing to have. Oh, I also felt like the special effects were lacking in some departments: for example I was surprised there was no water splash when you fell into water. Also thought it was kinda weird that you don't jump with space considering the game gives such credence to it, but eh, it was easy to figure out.

Anyway, overall well done!

LeviRamirez responds:

Thank you!

I usually always just give a passing reaction to your reviews as I just expect to see them every month but I just wanna say thank you, if my memory serves me right I believe you reviewed every game in the Gappy NG trilogy and it's crazy to think a game I made in 8th grade, remade 2 times, and uploaded in highschool would follow me all the way up to a junior in college. It's just mind-blowing, and you do an amazing work with all of these, always look forward to monthly reviews and I no I'm not the only one!

Anyways yup, that's the end of the Gappy NG Trilogy, notice I said trilogy and not series... Cause Gappy's got something just on the horizon and I hope to see you there :-)

Wow, definitely a really cool idea for an art collab! Man, I was really hoping I would do well on this game but I really sucked: didn't expect the questions to be so hard as I thought it would just be matching faces to names, and that's hard enough as it is with the faces being done in a different art style! Still, I had to appreciate the cool trivia and enjoyed picking up whatever points I could gather.

Unfortunately, while I do think it is pretty cool, I did find myself having a lot of issues and minor complaints:

*The cursor is just an absolute pain to work with. Maybe it's built for mobile or something and it works there, but playing this with a regular mouse, I don't understand why I can't just move the screen around and click on things normally with the mouse cursor instead of the weird crosshair and the way it makes things awkwardly slide around like it's on ice. Please make it recognize that I'm using the mouse and change the controls to an appropriate scheme accordingly.

*Bummed out that there is no ability to click on people and have their Newgrounds profile pop-up: would love to be able to quickly compare the faces to their real faces, or be able to see their works and follow them.

*I would've loved if, when you get something wrong (or right), if it would display the person that was correct, and maybe even allow you to click on them to see more about them before continuing with the game. For example, if I get a question about someone's famous movie or whatever and I guess wrong, I would've loved if it would tell me who it was and link to them so I could see their famous movie. Instead, I just need to live with my error and never figure out who it was or see their art.

*It can get really tiring having to go through all of the faces for every single question: even if I was a wizard and knew everyone perfectly, it's still so much busy work to look for them (especially with the annoying controls as mentioned before). Would love if maybe each question chose a random assortment of, I dunno, 15 people or something, just enough to fit on the screen without needing to scroll, and you pick from them. Feels like that would keep the pace up much better. You know, still have everyone in a big gallery in study mode, but game mode, limit the potential answers.

Still, nice work putting this together, and wonderful work from all of the artists that took part!

Bountyspecialtist responds:

Longest comment I have seen on newgrounds lol.

Thetageist responds:

Sounds like a pretty valid critique to me! Maybe it’s good that I didn’t play game mode yet, haha.

Coldstone07 responds:

Sorry but that's invalid, not in MLA format

Nice critism tho, I agree with most of your points

DMpls responds:

Wow, those seem like pretty good ideas if there ever was a Faces of 2022 DX lmao

Huh, pretty interesting game! Something about the music, visuals, and theming gave the game this really somber, chill, melancholy feel to it: in particular I found the ending, despite not necessarily understanding it, very reminiscent of some of my favorite moments in other games like Drakengard or Nier with their somber weapon stories or text adventure events. So, I think you succeeded in making a cool "art-y" game here. I do like that it's not all just navel-gazey art-y art but it actually was a pretty interesting game to try and figure out, and was chock full of hidden little events that can pop-up and add a lot of variety, like the phone fixing and shoplifter.

I found the whole ingredient system a bit confusing to decipher, so I never really felt like I could get in the zone, but I imagine that might be the whole point of it, to be mysterious and illogical and have fun(?) experimenting. If I were to guess, I think the system is that everyone needs one certain ingredient to solve their issue, and you can either risk giving them a single ingredient which gives you bonus points for getting it perfectly right, or you can give them a mix of ingredients which lessens the risk since you get points for at least having the right ingredient in the mix, but you'll never get a perfect bonus by doing that. Wonder if that's close at all, but again, might not be the point.

There are some janky aspects to the game here and there. The biggest one I experienced was that if I dragged items a certain way they would suddenly be dropped: this made it so that I needed to drag items in illogical ways just to make them survive the trip.

I'm not quite sure if I fully understand the game, but it has a cool mood to it, gives some food for thought, and kept me wanting to explore it, so it was a nice and nifty little experience.

Jojo responds:

I'm very glad you enjoyed the music. Thank you. Dungeonation's visuals really helped in getting my inspiration for the score.

Hey, nice stuff! I love me a boss rush, and this delivers on that quite excellently along with some very goofy presentation and humor that reminds me very much of a @tombdude game. The concept of killing your opponents not by attacking them, but rather by demonstrating how ineffective their attacks are by styling through them to the point of embarrassing them to death is some really creative stuff: love how it promotes diving head-first into danger, similar to games like Doom or Burnout. Some of the bosses are a bit cheeseable here and there and it can be frustrating at times which can be bad since it promotes boring play, but for the most part I felt like they all had very interesting patterns to battle through and I had a blast.

In terms of feedback, there's the obvious one that the tutorial can be a bit confusing in that, while it does technically explain all you need to do, it is still nevertheless confusing and I wouldn't blame some people for dropping it thinking it's just a joke you can't pass (though I imagine I'm wasting my breath since that's probably a badge of honor for you, haha). Similarly there are some typos as well (some that even bizarrely auto-correct themselves as it goes) but I imagine those are intentional as they add to the humor. Other minor complaints are that I wish text and cutscenes and such would move forward at my own pace and be able to be skippable instead of just auto-playing. A larger complaint is that I do wish this game had a save/load feature: it can be a bit of a doozy and it'd be great to not have to do everything over if you run out of gas on the later harder bosses. Oh and it never saved my score despite me finally beating it!

Anyway, great stuff! I almost chopped my keyboard in half facing perfect circle man but eventually I got into the zone and it felt ecstatic to finally put him down. And if that isn't the ideal experience for a boss rush, I dunno what is, so kudos on that!

LeviRamirez responds:

Thanks for the feedback! A lot of the minor stuff could be fixed but I’m kinda just done with this game. It’s whatever it is now and I like it, it’s supposed to be a game you beat once in one go, it’s frustrating I know but it’s no sweat off my back.

I’m glad you liked it though, this game was very experimental for me and I took a huge page out of the @Tombdude and @Plufmot book and made something wild! We’re all buds so I assume we all just rub off on each other :-)

Anyways, thanks!

Still working at it, bit-by-bit.

Lucas Gonzalez-Fernandez @FutureCopLGF

Age 37, Male

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