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Wow, pretty solid arcade fun to be had here! All in all I feel like this is well put together and delivers quite well on all aspects: the combat is fun and fast-paced with great enemy variety that has unique AIs and attack telegraphs, there are a good amount of fun powerups and arena obstacles and great bosses to make runs feel different, graphics and animations are very juicy and the feedback from shots and blowing up enemies with huge chain reactions from items were so satisfying, and so on and so forth. Had a good time playing this a few times, getting good enough to loop over and over!

That being said, while I did have a good time, there are plenty of nitpicks I could make. For one, I was disappointed that the game doesn't have any sort of goal or story to it and instead starts looping as early as arena 4: as much as I did like how the enemy variety and such did keep improving on successive loops, it just started to feel repetitive and pointless, especially with how easy some of it could get without even needing items to cheese it. Also bummed out that there didn't seem to be any primary weapon upgrades, just subweapons, and that I would have to ditch old subweapons just to try new ones. Speaking of all that, I found it a bit confusing that I couldn't see what items I had already purchased and was unsure what would happen if I purchase duplicates: would they stack or just get ignored? There was also some confusion with visuals as, while most player bullets are yellow and enemy bullets are red, there were weird instances like items that would spawn 'friendly red' bullets that I thought I had to avoid in all the chaos.

Oh, and while this game does call itself a 'roguelite', I think that's a misnomer since that typically implies that some sort of progress or upgrade is carried over with each attempt, whereas this game just has you start from scratch each time. But whatever, it's all rogue this, rogue that, I think people just use those terms interchangeably nowadays, so I'm being needlessly pedantic.

Overall though, those nitpicks were small potatoes and again, I had a great time with this. Only reason I'm being so nitpicky was because I liked this so much and hope that you make even better games in the future!

CheeseBaron responds:

Duplicate items stack, some items are removed from the item pool if you have them though (primarily the panic device and the corrupt halo).
And i just hoped that since all the actually dangerous bullets are bright red (unless i forgot some somewhere) people wont be too confused by more dull projectiles that dont deal damage to you.

If i ever make some sort of super big improved version of this game ill likely add different primary weapons and an actual ending, but thats only in the far far future.

Thanks for playing!

Not too shabby of a beat-em-up! Definitely feels like its got a solid core to it with most of the essential mechanics present and the combat feeling decently satisfying. I could deduct some points for it being quite basic, essentially just a reskinned SoR without any unique mechanics to set it apart, but it still felt alright. Good on you for also having seamless controller inputs, even recognizing my PS controller instead of treating it like an XBox controller!

That said, if I come at this as a lover of beat-em-ups, this is pretty rough, especially if you're trying to make this big. Controls were a big issue for me and led to the game feeling really janky: for example, you can initiate a run by pressing forward and then backwards whereas you should have to press it twice in the same direction. I also kept having a special combo go off for seemingly no reason: I wasn't pressing any of the special combinations you listed out. Just really didn't feel like I had smooth, logical and responsive control of my character.

Couple that with other annoyances like enemies having a bit too much health (starter enemies should probably go down with just one combo, otherwise the game just drags a bit too much) and enemies being a bit too powerful with their AI: I'd have enemies punch me too suddenly from way too far away and have enemies just suddenly teleport me into their grab: they should have to get closer or perhaps telegraph their attacks better. Also some attacks just felt really wonky, like how the knee kicks from a grab would only damage once you're pulling your knee back: such a weird delay!

In general, while the core elements for a decent beat-em-up are there, the game felt a bit stiff, slow and repetitive in its current state. Hoping you can get some good feedback here and make it into a great finished product!

PippinGames responds:

The main references for Maiden Cops were Final Fight 3 and SoR.

The game supports, in addition to the keyboard, the three main joysticks (Switch, Xbox, Playstation).

Some bugs reported I'm already fixing, like running, for example.

I'm also making some additions that weren't present in the demo. Like the possibility of performing some combos, enemies bouncing on walls when thrown, and allowing a counterattack when being grabbed.

Complex input combinations to use skills didn't work so well. I think if you press one button is simpler.

As I complete these changes, I will announce them on social media and here on newground too.

Thanks for the feedback, it's helping us a lot.

Actually had some surprising ideas and variety to it to go along with the goofy premise, but was kind of let-down by general feel of low-effort and jankiness due to weird glitches, confusing design and lackluster graphics. There's some great stuff in here, just buried under some junk that could be buffed out.

While the game starts off rather slow, I definitely was surprised at the mechanics and design on display for the later levels. Gravity switching and stamina management were quite interesting, especially when combined with some of the more puzzle-or-chase-oriented levels where you really gotta focus to make it through. I'd love some more of those later chase levels where you need to keep running and react to obstacles that come up quickly: in fact, wonder if the game would work better if you don't even have a run button and just run automatically.

That being said, I found it difficult to get into the game at first glance because of the really lackluster graphics and boring intro levels, especially with things like out-of-focus fonts, lack of transition effects and so on and so forth. Yes it did have some nice juice to it with the funny voice callouts and fart effects, but even the fart particles were strange with how they would shift along with the body when you jump in a nonsensical way. But even moving on from that to the point where I started to get interested in the game during the later levels, a lot of weird bugs and glitches started to crop up, especially revolving around the gravity switching and collision detection.

Definitely feel like, with a bit of focus on the more interesting and complex levels and a lot of polish to spice up the general presentation and gameplay satisfaction, this could really be great!

TappyWara responds:


migmoog responds:

Hi, thank you for the critique. This game is definitely rough and has a few holes that need patching, but I am glad to say the team and I are going to make sure we polish it and make it look and play better. PS thanks for always speaking your mind, your reviews really help us, and sorry about Zoo Game :-)

Wow, really great little adventure here! Gives me Celeste vibes from the similar type of bubble mechanics and the professionally-made graphics, animation, and game feel (well, I did feel like the size of the orb hitboxes were a bit too small, but otherwise everything felt pretty smooth). Just moving the character around by itself was a delight, and once you add everything else, it was awesome. Definitely had a blast playing this: it started out a bit slow, but eventually really ramped up the challenge with some hard layouts and then ended it with a great boss/chase setpiece. My only real complaint is that I wish there was even more to it, as I felt it ended before the challenge could peak and get really crazy and creative, haha!

I did have a weird bug where my movement would freeze for a second at random times? But I think it was something on my end: seemed to resolve itself once I unplugged my controller? Since, maybe worth investigating to see if something weird is going on there. But otherwise, it's all good.

SECURAS responds:

Thanks and also thanks for making the video. The feedback is most appreciated. I apologize for the movement bug but I really could not replicate it. Unfortunately, browser games sometimes are more or less friendly depending on the browser so that may explain it. I really only tested using chrome. I would have liked to make more but I really had no time. This was made for a game jam and I only had a week to make it. So I just did the basics and, as usual in game jam games that are to be played for less than 10min, I made it very accessible.

I did enjoy that you quickly picked up on my "fake challenge" rooms that look like a complicated challenge but actually run almost automatically. Not everyone gets it so its clear you have an eye for level design. I needed to place these rooms to give confidence to the player. Then, when the real challenges come along, the player will have an extra boost of confidence. I also had zero effort rooms right after harder rooms for a similar effect... To calm down the player and avoid a death right after beating a challenge. You never want to kill someone's streak.

Solid arcade fun! It's a simple game to pick up and understand and it feels quite satisfying to blast asteroids away thanks to the juicy effects. It's also quite exciting to see your options and weapons build-up bit-by-bit. Was also really impressed at some of the effects such as how when an asteroid hits the planet, it models a crater on the earth at the exact point of impact: so cool to see that as it spins around, it's like Doom Eternal level of visible damage feedback. It's not the longest lasting game as it does start to get a little repetitive, but it's a solid and fun score-attack while it lasts.

Only major issues I had was that I feel like the ammo counter shouldn't be overlayed on top of the weapons: it just turns it into a graphical mess that is hard to parse (for example, it made it difficult to see how many bullets were being used for each weapon). And speaking of that, it was difficult to figure out the weapon system in the first place and keep track of unlocks since the pop-ups for them come and go so quickly. Oh, and I did have some confusion when the game would auto-switch back to the machine gun when I run out of missile ammo: I always expected to have to switch back manually so the automatic nature actually caught me off-guard.

KJScott responds:

Yeah, totally agree with the ammo counter (I wasn't happy with it myself). I tried multiple iterations and at the time I hadn't figured out a good way of resolving that as of yet. If I do an update I'll focus on that to try and fix that. Maybe a new ammo bar and fixed max ammo cap might help?

I messed about with the message speed and how long they last. I found adding an extra second or so obstructed view too much and I did have a feeling that the current level was too short. Again, if I update I will have another look at that. The main reason why it's too quick is that due to the ongoing "research" I would have had to added extra code to handle multiple messages at the same time. Looks like if I update I'll need to address this issue.

With the auto-switching back to the machine gun, I found during playtesting by myself if you had to manually switch back by the time you realise it's not firing you have pretty much lost the game as the half a second to second to realise and make the switch meant you were dead. So unsure about changing that.

You know, for as low-effort and goofy as the game looks, there's actually a decent little adventure in here. I liked wandering around and picking up clues from the various denizens to figure out how to get all 5 dollars for whatever a Newgrounds burger is. I also liked all the little touches that the game had, such as the cool shooting animation (and ending animation, speaking of), the ability to blast everyone, the hidden fishing minigame, and of course the funny dialogue and sounds. So unlike how it looks, there is some intentional design and effort put into it here and there, and it is quite charming in that respect.

But at the end of the day, it definitely was a pretty janky and short game. Now some of the jank could be excused by it being true to the design and goofy aesthetic, but some of the annoyances like the vague hitboxes, delayed shooting animation, random spawns and so on could just be plain frustrating, leading to unfair deaths.

And I gotta say that you did commit a game design cardinal sin in my book. If you design a dialogue system with text that gets typed out, a player should always be able to hit a button to have the text immediately fill to the end (and not skip to the next line until another press). This game does not allow that, and for that, you will burn in heck for you have damned so many players to waste so many seconds waiting for the text to fill out: so many seconds!

plufmot responds:

Thanks! Also you can press and hold Z or M to speed up dialogue!

Well, putting aside the initial pee-remise and all of its strangeness, this game had some really solid, simple, fun arcade action! Love the whole retro arcade graphics, love how it gets to the action quickly, love the juicy (maybe bad word choice?) effects, love the exciting yet janky music that matches the tone, love the strategy of having to aim your shots as to not waste your pee and gather resources to get pee back, and love the secret hard mode! Certainly had a good time playing this game for most part: was surprised at some aspects like how short damage-invincibility lasts, but everything was mostly intuitively designed. Game can be a bit confusing at times where I couldn't tell whether levels ended when some invisible timer was over or when the enemies were killed (most likely both have a factor). I also got screwed over once when it froze projectiles on a level transition which caused me to run into it (I expected them to keep going). Would love if the game had a little bit more to it, but it had enough for a short and sweet adventure.

Hmmm, this one is a bit rough for me and unfortunately a case of style over substance in my opinion.

On initial impression, I think that the game is very cool and impressive. The game definitely has a professionally-constructed feel to it, what with the very animated and lively menus, title screen, and seems to have a lot to offer with its huge character roster. And indeed, I did have some good fun going through and seeing how each of the characters played and catching references and such: I could easily see some people having fun going through and building a tier list and other such things.

But at the end of the day, once the novelty of checking out the roster is gone, all you are left with is a game that is a shallow as a puddle. I found the characters to be terribly unbalanced, the combat to be overly simple and unsatisfying, and there were no unique systems or level terrain or strategy or any sort of hook to work with. Now, I'm not saying it needs to be some super complicated fighter with guard-breaks and astral finishers or whatever: games like Divekick and Footsies and Fantasy Strike are excellent games with very limited movesets. But those games, unlike this, have an actual deep system and strategy to their seemingly simple combat that acts as a hook. Or, if a complex system is not the way to go, at least the game should have some sort of wacky party elements like a Smash Bros or Mario Party game that shake things up.

The menus were also confusing and complicated at times: for example, had no idea why the game wants me to have to right-click to disable a character choice instead of just letting me left-click on a new character no problem, and why does it not automatically assume that 1P has already joined and instead make me have to join manually every time? And let's not even mention that it doesn't even teach you how to play (as funny as whatever the heck that video was...)

I definitely do love the idea behind this game and think a NG artist brawler could be great. If this was just to serve as a proof of concept for an upcoming version which has more content, online play, actual fighting systems, and so on and so forth, I would absolutely love that!

So far I feel like Peti might be the best fighter?

Stepford responds:

Fair enough! This game was more of a love letter to our friends in the community than anything else. Just a bit of fun! <3

Decent little dress-up game! Dunno what the heck a Porb is, but hey, it's got nice art, a unique setup, a good assortment of goofy clothes, expressions, backgrounds, music, and so on, and I'm not seeing any obvious bugs or anything, so I ain't got much to complain about! But then again, I'm not a big dress-up game kinda person, so maybe the real fans can deliver better feedback.

Only thing I thought was awkward was how when you click on an item, it will automatically move to center itself instead of just staying in place: not a bad thing, but different than I expected and can make it annoying if you're just trying to make slight adjustments to an already placed object. Oh, and I wish there was a way to wipe the HUD completely to take easier pictures (you can get rid of most of it, but the buttons still remain) and in addition to that, it would be cool if there was a built-in feature for saving screenshots of your personal Porb.

TappyWara responds:


Not bad! It ain't the most complex game and it's over rather quickly, but what's there is some decent beat-em-up arcade fun! I think what really helps the game is how great and juicy the presentation is: love the feeling of shooting and whacking enemies, love the little dialogues that pop-up at the bottom, love the graphics and animations, love the goofy/frantic mood and music, and I just generally love how the game cuts to the chase and gets right into it! Easily found myself replaying it a few times just to beat up more losers and go for a higher score (though I dunno if it's even possible to get 25 pizzas, don't they spawn at a schedule I can't do anything to influence?).

Only major complaint I could think of is that, while the mortar robots do have an animation for launching a missile into the air that corresponds to the markers on the ground, it's not very noticiable and without an actual projectile, the two actions seem disjointed and not apparent of the connection.

Also there's sometimes a weird bug where I can't get the game to focus and hitting space just makes the web page scroll down: dunno why exactly.

Just-a-ng-dummy responds:

Thanks for the review Futurecop!
I'm really glad you enjoyed the short premise of the game! The pizzas spawn based on a timer and if you collected it, so if you collect a pizza, a timer starts and when it ends a new pizza spawns, then the cycle repeats. During the half way mark, the time decreases, so you just need to roll your way to pizza town!

I think the markers issue can be fixed by adjusting the z-index and a visual animation, which is quite easy to do, but I'm currently doing a lot of stuff rn.

Idk about the bug though, I think the game only focusses if you click on the game, so a "click to start" prompt would be more easy-going to the player.

Cheers on reviewing this month's games!

Still working at it, bit-by-bit.

Lucas Gonzalez-Fernandez @FutureCopLGF

Age 37, Male

Computer Guy


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