Cute little game: has some amusing little bits to it like the recorded speech and it's overall animated and goofy presentation, but for the most part I found it lacking as an idle clicker game.
There really wasn't many interesting upgrades or changes to the complexity of the game as you play to give it a sense of progression, so everything felt ultimately pointless apart from the achievements. But even considering the achievements, I was disappointed to see that the game doesn't even save progress so it expects you to achieve everything in one run which is pretty unreasonable. But more important than that, I found that the clicking registration was really odd: felt like it kept eating my inputs unless I delayed them considerably which was really frustrating and broke my rhythm, and when something as fundamental as the clicking in a clicker game isn't working, it really didn't give me much faith for anything else.
Of course, I'm no doubt taking this too seriously since it's obviously just a little gag game for a laugh, but still, I always hope to actually be surprised with some hidden quality to these games and am always bummed out to be disappointed.