Wow, blown away at the level of content, charm, and sheer polish in this bad boy! So much to do and so much to see: after quite a long while, I thought I had found a goodly-sized portion of what's on offer only to see so many achievements left unlocked still! Definitely had a good time not only searching through this Hypnospace-esque scavenger hunt and seeing so many funny things, but also had a blast checking out the various apps and the games as well! The games, jeez, they'd be enough for a submission itself, but to see these games within games, I seriously need to give props to the developers to have the guts to have these really intricate games be hidden within another game where they might not even possibly be found (but I certainly hope most people do find them)! Goddamn, I absolutely loved the new Bimsy, that by itself deserves 5 stars and I find it crazy that it's not available standalone!
So for the most part, I had a great goofy experience with this and plan to revisit it to see what else I can find. I definitely love it a lot. But, if I had to nitpick some stuff in here, well, here are some nitpicky things:
There were some occasions where apps would be a bit of a let-down or their functionality would be odd. For example, I found the paint app really pathetically simple and was disappointed it had barely any features and no save/print option (and if I were to re-open a picture I was working on, it would corrupt the colors). The music listener was really difficult to manipulate the timeline slider: it's like you'd have to click at an odd spot and sometimes it wouldn't accept where I'd place it. I could go on, but I feel silly saying all this as it's all very minor stuff that never really broke or bothered me: for the most part I was impressed with the apps. Again, it's all very understandable and fine for some slight jank since there's just so much in this OS, but it's just a bit unbalanced where some apps, like the music maker, are so great, while others really don't add much. Take it as a compliment that this game really raised my expectations that I kept expecting so much greatness.
Unfortunately I found the Ugby Mumba game to be really not my taste. It's a shame, but to me, it's a bit of a style over substance thing: I really, really want to like the game based on how smooth and juicy and professionally looking the game is, clearly there was a lot of effort and love there, but at the end of the day, the gameplay itself just seemed very repetitive and boring and I could barely bring myself to finish 2 levels. Bit of a shame since the game seems to put such importance on it to not only make it fullscreen, but to not even let you quit out of it without resetting the entire OS!
There were some other minor kinks like the help pop-ups not staying long enough/waiting for confirmation before leaving or having some where you could reference them once again if you forgot the tip. I also didn't like how the game couldn't find a solution to scrolling except to keep badgering you to hold a button when you scroll: surely there could've been a more elegant way to solve this as I know I've played games before they accept scrolling without scrolling the web page as well? You can't blame the user for expecting something as simple as this to be in place.
At the end of the day, cheers for this great piece of work: definitely a very impressive collab!