Not too shabby of a take on Vampire Survivors! Personally, I'd say it actually strays quite far away from Vampire Survivors since combat is more directed instead of being automatic, so it's more in line with offshoots like 20 Minutes Till Dawn, but I digress. Overall the game is quite cute and well put-together: graphics and effects are nice and satisfying, power-ups are interesting especially with the whole balancing act of positives and negatives, and it keeps ramping things up with new enemies and events as time proceeds. Love the cool graphic touches like the hair that changes color and flows behind.
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, I just found it to be quite stiff and frustrating to play. Not a bad game or anything, but just minor things about it rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't like getting penalized for getting power-ups with debuffs, I felt like the player hitbox was too big and led to unfair damage that was difficult to recover from, I hated how I couldn't aim separately from movement and therefore had to keep awkwardly adjusting, I disliked how vague the fire rate was and how it limits your shots based on carrot supply and doesn't buffer inputs, and so on. Maybe it's just an unfortunate consequence of the limitations of the Pico-8 engine (especially with not being able to aim separately from movement) and stronger competitors like 20 Minutes Till Dawn and Holocure overshadowing it. I'd still say its good, but just not something I'd consider over those stronger contemporaries.