Oof, this unfortunately felt like an unfinished rough draft of a prototype that probably shouldn't have been put up for public consumption, at least until significant post-game-jam work was done on it. There are glimpses of an interesting concept here and some nice little touches like the building animations, but it's just too buggy, confusing and unwieldly in its current state.
I really have no idea what I'm supposed to be accomplishing in the game and what the stars at the end of the level signify. For example, am I just supposed to kill the heroes as fast as possible, or am I supposed to let them have a long run and feel good before they get struck down? Could've used some more instructions and story cinematics between levels to explain goals.
The controls are very awkward to deal with. I don't know why rooms are drag and drop, yet the assets like treasure chests and goblins are click to select and then click to place: shouldn't they work the same? The hitboxes for picking assets also was weird to target at times as well.
Game was also very buggy: for example, if you place assets down in a room but then re-construct the room, you lose the assets within and can get in an unwinnable situation if it was the way that contained the stairs!
There's a lot more to comment out but I'll save my breath. Feels like an unfortunate case of overambition and game jam time limits clashing: tale as old as time and nothing to be ashamed about as it happens to every indie dev!