Game seems to have a lot of potential and charm, but at the moment I found it a bit lacking and got bored quickly. I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate the big world and all the people you can talk to and the quests they give out, but for me, it felt a bit too overwhelming and directionless. I just wasn't sure if there was some sort of bigger goal I was supposed to be going for, or some sort of trick to help figure out where to go or where you can catch certain fish. Without that, it just felt like all I could do was wander around and hope I randomly catch the fish someone wants. At the very least, It'd be nice if, say, I found a quest to catch an angelfish, if I could look into the almanac and figure out where angelfish like to roam, or say like whether its a freshwater or saltwater fish, and then maybe cross-reference with a map to try and find a spot to fish for it. Unfortunately, without anything like that, the chillness of the game didn't last long and I ended up losing interest. Still, a good attempt.