Pretty neat game! Certainly makes a solid first impression with the great graphics used throughout, but particularly in title screen/intro bit. It's a simple game, but I like that it is quite challenging and has a lot of cool level arrangements and enemies to work with and figure out how to get around. It was definitely a bit frustrating and clunky at times though: hit boxes felt way more wide than necessary leading to a few deaths that felt a bit unfair as I thought I dodged them, and I didn't like the way the patrol patterns of the knights were random, leading to inconsistent patterns in this game which needs consistency for its puzzle-like nature (at least that's how I feel about it). It's a bit glitchy at times as well: had a case where I fell off the edge of a platform and immediately moved to the side, lodging me into the platform where I shouldn't be able to be, and also a level that I beat despite my character being dead, where he just died while still passing the finish line, haha. Also it's just a preference thing, but I wish gliding could be achieved from a jump just by holding space, instead of having to press it twice, one to jump and another to glide. Overall I felt like I had a good time with it, despite the little bit of jank here or there.