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Another interesting chapter in this adventure! My first playthrough had me go what I felt was the intended story route of making it to the southeast airship and skeedaddling (but getting in a big surprise fight on the way) while my second route had me trying to save up money to at first buy magrits but instead stumbling upon the power of fire and burning everything away instead. Both were pretty enjoyable in terms of discovering the mechanics of the game and exploring around, figuring out the best route while being shocked by some twists. I felt pretty intimidated by the scale at first but it wasn't anything compared to episode 3 with the maze: with the map and the hints supplied here, this was surprisingly no problem and I can see myself going in for more endings.

While I enjoyed it, this one did have a lot of weird oddities which made it a bit annoying. For example, I dunno how the heck the airship bullets worked and what was going on with their physics. It was so difficult to tell how to fight properly so I just spammed bullets and that unfortunately led to me spamming past whatever their last words were. For another example, the fact that attempting to move to face a wall when standing next to it facing 90 degrees away makes you walk around it instead of just facing it made certain interactions annoying as well, such as burning the trees. All in all, though, it wasn't anything major that impeded me and it was still a neat little adventure!

adriendittrick responds:

the confusing airship bullets are intended because they're a reference to the very first game I made, if you're interested you can try it here (you might need a second player):

This game really sent me on a ride: lots of ups and downs, but mostly downs, unfortunately.

Definitely didn't start off with the best first impression, what with its misaligned text-input on the starting screen which made me unable to type in my name, lack of instructions on how to play, and the first few levels being incredibly unchallenging and boring, not helped by the dreadful 3 second music loop.

Once the meteors starting firing off and the music popped off as well, however, things were looking up! There were still some weirdness like how the meteors could collide with background elements like trees and grass instead of just the foreground floor tiles, but the game started to get challenging with the need for both jumps, dashes and jump-dashes to make it through the ever-changing landscape from meteor impacts deforming them. Felt compelled to go fast!

As it went on, however, the game plummeted into an absolute disaster for me: the meteors just became too heavy in number and being randomly-generated, leading to tons of unfair situations that made it impossible to progress from player skill, but luck only. Combine that with the dash being incredibly awkward to get to work when jumping and the game became too frustrating to continue for me.

It's not a bad idea, having meteors crash into the environment and deform it as it can lead to dynamic play and quick reactions from the player, but this game just went too overkill on it and made it too easy to get softlocked. Food for thought, I suppose!

SleepinPanda responds:

Thanks for the feedback! That's it. I mean, really, this game was made mostly to experiment an idea. And I tried to go as far as possible with that idea. Ship it like it is, and get players to test it. Love it or hate it. Whatever this was just an experimental prototype I tried to polish it as best as I can.
This meteor gameplay is going to be part of the main game I'm building, but I'll build it differently and avoid that much luck/randomness thing.
Thanks a lot for the constructive feedback! This really helps and you guys around here are awesome! <3

Hmm, bit mixed on this one! Certainly a pretty stylish and cool game, but at the end of the day I was left feeling a bit frustrated.

Overall the presentation of the game is nice: it starts off on a great foot with a cool title screen and menus, and continues with some smooth and slick animations and gamefeel during actual gameplay. Speaking of gameplay, that classic Tony Hawk skateboarding gameplay is here and while it isn't anything new, it is nevertheless fun and addictive to chain tricks together for big combos. I say it isn't anything new, but there are some interesting touches like being able to up+flip as a psuedo-double-jump, and I do like the stylish way you wipe out in the game (though sometimes the camera would glitch out for me).

Having said all that, though, the game did feel a bit frustrating:

There were times where I wasn't sure if I was in control: for example, I'd hold left or right to slow down/speed up, but since the change was so gradual and my character wouldn't change stance or anything, I wasn't ever sure if the game was even reading my inputs. Similarly, the physics of the game would be really wonky at times, as sometimes when I'd ollie I would barely leave the ground, sometimes I'd launch to the moon, and other times I wouldn't ollie at all and just fall straight down a pit: just never felt like I could get a handle on it.

The camera was definitely a pain in this as well and felt like it suffered from the classic Sonic problem: you're simply feeling too fast that you can't see far enough ahead of you to plan for anything. In this I would want to go fast so I could get big air and so I'd be stable enough to grind, but that would always lead to me not being able to see far enough ahead or below and plummeting into a pit or other hazardous situation.

Moving on from controls and camera, the game also just felt a bit pointless after awhile. There didn't seem to be any sort of goal or sense of progression: every run would just go through the same endless randomized level devoid of any checkpoints and always end with my death (mostly an unfair feeling death) and that'd be that. It never felt like I was improving or winning since every run ends in a "game over" and it never does anything like praise me for a new record: you're just stuck in this endless void.

I still think the game is pretty neat and well put-together, but the rough edges really stick out for me since it shows so much promise. Planning to revisit and see if I can do better!

cheesycoke responds:

Jesus, thank you so much for this incredibly detailed feedback!! Glad to hear overall about the core gameplay n the presentation and stuff, really appreciate that. (Can't actually take too much credit for the spin trick, got that idea from Kingdom Hearts 2)
All these issues are things I really wanna look into. The ollie thing, I do wanna mention that sorta like TPHS you "charge" it by holding the button, so small presses get you less air but I might need to fine tune how quickly it charges. And I especially need to figure out what's happening if some just aren't registering.
Really appreciate the feedback on camera, was definitely thinking that needed some kinda work. Was thinking about just minor positional tweaks on it but mayyybe something more dynamic will be a better choice? I dunno, I'll think on it, might not get anything out too soon but this is all helpful!! Really looking forward to the video, too, since that should be good for helping pinpoint where the issues might lie.
AND yeah that last part is totally understandable, making games that're more rewarding is def a big next step of mine. Thank you so much again, though, for the detailed write-up and the overall interest in the game!

Haha, I'm not really a fan of this game, but I gotta say it sure does have that old-school Newgrounds Flash feel to it, so well done on capturing that aesthetic!

While I'm down on the game, I will say it's not all that bad. Some of the levels have a lot of environmental destruction and shootable objects outside of just the Flanders family which can be quite fun to find and blow up: reminds me of those fun kids games where every object reacts to a click. Also, there are a ton of Simpsons references, mini-games and really amusingly bad impressions to see and hear!

Overall, however, the game just does feel very repetitive and amateurish, and I found myself quitting quite quickly. Also c'mon, how you gonna have a shooting game where you don't even have a crosshair cursor? It just ain't the same when you're mouse-clicking a hand icon over someone's head!

Aprime responds:

Yeah, I can't say it was hard to capture that asthetic when the first one was made over a decade ago :D

You're right, it needs the crosshairs, sorry :(

If you want to Beta test: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aprimegames.flanderskiller

If you love Flanders Killer - please become a fan http://aprime.newgrounds.com/follow :)

Cute little game! I have to admit it's not really my cup of tea since its entire premise is my mortal enemy: slide puzzles (seriously, I almost quit playing Parasite Eve 2 since it had a mandatory slide puzzle for progression). But nevertheless, I think the game does have some good construction and charm to it overall.

The cute little title screen with its animated bouncy logo, talking helper who reacts when you hover over things, the overall slick graphics and satisfying click-clack when you slide tiles are all subtle touches that really elevate this game. I'd love if it had a little bit extra juice to it, such as some visual FX when you slide tiles, buttons that they themselves react on hover, and an animated background, and I also wish the text was more readable (sometimes it gets so tiny and I wish the text box was more darker to make the white text pop) but for the most part it's all quite good and I had a decent time making my way through the easy and medium difficulties.

It's not exactly going to set the world on fire or get me to love slide puzzles, but this is a very nice and well-constructed basic game: it's like a very good first-timer student project vibe I'm getting, so well done in that regard.

DuskyLW responds:

I really appreciate the review! I made this game for the very same reason, I was not good at these puzzles nor am I a puzzle kind of person, but I had the itch to figure them out. Luckily, making this game solved my inept-ness at them haha. I definitely wanted a lot more out of this game but got to a point where I really wanted not get stuck working on it indefinitely, so I eventually cut my losses and picked a deadline. Really wanted to move on from this project and keep growing with other projects. Glad you still had fun with it despite it not being your thing <3

Wow, I'm not much for idlers but this one really grabbed me!

Love the presentation and theming present with it: gives it a real mysterious aesthetic which elevates the experience and immerses you. The sense of progression was very fun and addictive: building up the light bit by bit, getting new structures and visitors, clearing dungeons, balancing your passive income rates, there's just so much to do and unlock that keeps you busy the whole time wanting more and more. Also felt it was quite an intuitive experience to manage thanks to all the helpful popups and tooltips.

It's certainly a little clunky in some respects. There are some weird glitches like a weird 'quest' button appearing in the journey section that is placed weird so as to overlap a bunch of other text, and interactions like clicking on birds on your farms was difficult to tell the effect of since it spawns a bunch of pop-ups that overlap each other. Progression also feels weird in some respects with you swimming in certain resources you feel would be rare while other resources pile up at a snails pace: made it a right absolute slog bottleneck in the later game at times. Similar experience with journey: first it starts out feeling like you gotta babysit them the whole time, stuffing food in their mouths to keep their health up, then just a few pieces of equipment later they effortlessly clear all the dungeons first try.

Furthermore I'm not even sure if it's winnable? I got far enough to complete all the dungeons and build a shrine but absolutely nada happened afterwards that I could tell. Still, it was an interesting adventure while it lasted! (Ah, visited this afterwards and figured out the weird sacrifice/portal mechanic: maybe I'll delve further?)

ErikSwahn responds:

Thank you! Yes some things need work and it is not balanced rn. Feel free to sacrifice a character and try the portal :)

Oh man, this is a rough one for me: I really want to like it as it seems like it has a lot of heart to it, but there were just so many little problems that added up over time that ruined my experience.

The game certainly has a lot of charm to it that gives a great first impression. For example, I love the multitude of animations for the characters: not only do they look cute in general, but they have all these subtle animations for idling, standing near ledges, running into walls and so on that give them a lot of life. The time travel mechanics were quite novel as well, hoping back and forth through time periods to get through obstacles added a cool puzzle and experimentation element.

But as I played, it seemed to be a classic case of style over substance, and my interest in the game lowered little by little due to so many issues:

The game in general just had so much jankiness to it. The physics/gravity for jumping seemed very unnatural and inconsistent, and the boundaries/colliders for objects were very awkward: there were tons of times I'd get stuck in places at random for no reason, like walking down a flat road to suddenly stop as if I was blocked by a wall despite there being nothing in the way. Just overall the game felt super rough, like as if I was metaphorically always stubbing my toes or catching my shirt on a nail, and it needs to be sanded down and polished for a more smooth platforming experience.

I hated the trial and error that the game had. The levels seemed to have so many spots where I couldn't tell whether it was a drop to the floor below or a death pit, so all I could do was leap of faith. Teleporting through time could screw you over as it not only costs power which gave me such paranoia in using it, but you can end up teleporting into thin air and falling down and down, losing so much progress. Just so much getting lost and being unsure how to proceed.

There were minor issues that gave it a rather unprofessional feel, such as many typos and weird capitalization for dialogue and menu options, a full screen option in the menu that doesn't work if you use a controller instead of a mouse, and many compressed graphics that looked super blurry and terrible compared to the more sharper uncompressed graphics.

While the time traveling mechanic was ok, it was rather annoying to deal with at times due to the very limited places it could be used and the difficulty to tell what would happen. Similarly, the rotation mechanic felt like it was barely being used and when it was used, it wasn't used in an actual physics way where you can move things bit by bit, but rather used to just trigger an object animation. All of this just made the mechanics feel incredibly token and pointless: no freedom to experiment or have fun in interesting, unguided ways.

I could go on, but you get the picture. Again, I do think the game is promising in concept and already has a decent start, so with some considerable polishing and bug-fixing and some minor redesigns to the mechanics, I think it could become a fun little adventure in execution as well. Best of luck!

Markanime responds:

Thanks for your honest review. You can clearly see the strengths and weaknesses of this game. I started developing this game back in 2014 with Unity 4 in my free time with less knowledge than I have now, and sadly this game carries that.

I'm really confident that if I have the chance to publish a new game you will notice a huge improvement.

Quite the interesting game! Certainly made quite an impressive impression, what with its cool intro that builds up anticipation, very stylish shots and cinematography, as well as its incredible animations for both player and boss. Felt like I was in Shadow of the Colossus, taking on a huge goliath as a little guy with nothing but a sweet, satisfying parry and down smash. I enjoyed the experience of overcoming the odds and toppling this beast! Revenge for Peter the Ant!

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, it is a bit of a case of style over substance where it doesn't take long for the epic looking combat to get ruined by annoying pacing where you can't do anything but wait for the enemy to attack (and they can take a damn long time to do so), weird animations for both boss and player like when you walk into the boss and start pushing him which glitches his animation out, awkward combat where you'd think you would have to play footsies and dodge their stomps in addition to parrying their blows but nope (i mean c'mon, you're an ant and you don't have to fear feet?), and so on. It's just rather shallow in terms of function and the game ends so quickly.

Despite the game overall being quite bleh if you look at it deeply, I gotta admit I still was wowed and did want the game to continue forth with more bosses and more challenging patterns, so if you feel like it, I'd love to see a more polished continuation of this as I love me some boss fights and love me some parries.

BingoWaders responds:

im very happy so many people like it (and the SotC inspiration), and I agree one hundo percent that the game has a big lack of game. The original plan actually was to make a sort of gauntlet of bosses each with different quirks. proved to much for a month and 1/2.
The mechanics that i managed to put in were a whole new world for me believe it or not, but i also learned a lot, so if i continue developing on this concept (likely), it will have better combat for sure.

Pretty cool game! While it isn't necessarily anything incredibly unique, being somewhat of a basic twin-stick shooter with simple bomb-esque powers, it is nevertheless quite charming, eye-catching and satisfying to play with its psychedelic visual flair and bombastic juicy effects.

While I do think it is a rather basic shooter, that's not to say it doesn't make a bunch of smart decisions. The risk-reward management of the hyper bar and gem collection, the subtle de-saturated colors used on companion bullets to signify them not being dangerous, the clear and impactful damage feedback for both enemy and player, the sheer variety of enemies and bullet patterns, and so on all combine to create a beautiful chaotic battle you can get into a trance fighting through.

That being said, I think there is definitely some room for improvement that I would love to see:

*For health and hyper being so important to monitor and manage, I find it very strange to have them be so tiny and crammed in the corner where they are barely noticeable. Would love if they were made more prevalent, not just by increasing their scale, but also perhaps by using symbols or bars instead of boring and difficult-to-parse-during-battle numbers. Would love if the hyper bar was a big glowy bar that stretches across the whole screen so it feels great to fill it up, and I'd love if the amount of left-over health would temporarily appear dead-center when you get hit, for example.

*Would love if the tutorials were not just walls of text which are very difficult to parse and remember, but instead images, symbols and pictures. In addition, I'd prefer if power-ups used logical and iconic symbols as well, such as a plus sign for health, instead of having to memorize this bizarre and unintuitive color scheme you've got (which again, isn't explained with pictures or examples of the colors so it's difficult to recognize them in-game). With more intuitive symbols and such, you wouldn't even need a tutorial in the first place!

*The sense of progression felt quite lackluster, with the difficulty curve going up and down in strange ways. Some runs I'd encounter a super hard boss early on, other runs I'd keep encountering the same easy boss repeatedly. Yes, there were some changes that made me feel like I was getting somewhere, such as bosses spawning more and more along with minions, but still, it all just blended into a mush.

*I found it odd that, once you kill all of the enemies in a wave and enter the power-up selection phase, the game doesn't automatically clear the board of bullets (similarly, it was odd that killing the boss doesn't clear his minions away). Just felt a bit against standard conventions and confusing to remember.

*While the game is a visual treat, the same can't be said for the audio department, which has like two sound effects (one which drones on and on and just becomes static) and no music, which really dulls the experience and compounds on the sense of no progress being made (changing music can be a great way to make you feel like progress is being made, and music would also be great to get you into that combat trance).

Still very impressive for a jam game, and I would love to see a more enhanced version of this: maybe it could be the next Hyper Demon!

bandaloo responds:

thanks for playing! all the points you bring up are good. for a followup game, UI and difficulty curve are things i definitely want to work on.

and yeah, the fact that bullets don't clear on wave completion is kind of unconventional for sure. i don't know if i'll keep it for the next one. i think i could justify it if there was some bonus for clearing waves quickly, so there's a risk vs reward aspect for pushing forward and letting the screen fill with bullets. right now, it's just risk, lol.

as for the game progression, you fight five bosses, and then there's a "boss rush" segment. after which you'll fight the (fake) final boss. then some creepypasta bullshit will happen and the game will change a bit, and you'll be able to fight the true final boss on the next run.

I do like the intention behind this event: collaborations are wonderful community events and it's great to see all this wonderful art and get people to interact and celebrate with each other. For that alone, I think it's very nice. But despite my best attempts to participate in the event throughout the month, I couldn't help but feel let-down: not only does it just feel not well-constructed, it even feels like a downgrade from previous iterations.

First and foremost, the game just felt really badly put-together. For example, I found it very difficult to interact with objects: you'd think you'd just be able to click on something and have your character walk over and interact, but tons of times I found that I needed to manually place my character below the object (and nowhere else, heaven forbid) and then click on a spot not even on the object to get the interact to work: incredibly awkward all-around. I also had multiple times where I'd just start walking into the sky or going into the black zones because of shoddy collision/boundaries. The game crashed on me whenever I tried to go into the bathroom in the cafe (I only ever got in there a single time, which at least proved it wasn't some weird intentional crash). I couldn't ever trust who was real and who was some sort of NPC or player who crashed and lost their session or something: there were tons of copies of characters just standing around: it made the world feel robotic, untrustworthy and lonely. Presentation also felt lacking with the links to profiles for artists just being really bland boring text with no hover-over reaction or framing. And so on.

As an example of it being a downgrade from previous years, I thought the introduction here was way worse and most indicative. The previous one had a nice little story to it: you pick up a note inviting you to a party, take a silent journey through a beautiful landscape, it starts all dark but gets brighter and brighter with anticipation building up, and arrive at the party where the music kicks in and you join the fun. Here, you start in a bland, boring field with a dull blank sky, walk to the right for a couple of seconds and enter the party with no fanfare, no music, no sparkly wonderment to be found at all (why in the world do you need to manually turn the music on?)

It also just felt so lonely due to the lack of any meaningful interaction between people. I can understand if you don't want a chat because you don't want spammers running rampant, but only having a single heart emote as means of interaction felt so pointless. I would've loved to ask questions if I was lost, chit-chat or click on people to get to know them, do some funny emotes with people and maybe setup a dance-off or some synchronized event, react together when watching a movie: you know, all the typical type of stuff you'd see in a chat room or twitch chat or MMORPG. All you can do in this is go and open your presents and play the arcade games (which are single-player instead of a fun multiplayer event with your avatars) and it made it so boring for me.

Again, I really wanted to enjoy this. I saw the ad for the Sketch collab and joined right on time and was looking forward to join in with everyone and have a good time watching and reacting. However, all that happened was confusion: I thought I arrived on time, but nothing happened while I waited in the theatre with a ton of people (who might not've even been real due to the many clones I saw). I tried leaving the theatre and going back in, hoping it would reset, but nada. I wanted to ask the BrandyBuizel clone at the sign what was going on, like if I got the time zone wrong or something, but oh wait, a) there's no chat b) there's no guide or system-wide message or billboard telling people what the event details are c) he probably isn't even real but just an NPC Brandy. I left disappointed. Even when I went back another day and successfully watched the Sketch collab, it just showed it full-screen instead of within the movie screen, which felt pointless: surely the point of watching it here should be so I can chat with other people as we watch and see their reactions pop-up above their heads in their seats? If it's just going to be full-screen, why don't I just watch it on the actual page?

Anyway, sorry for the long screed. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what this is going for: perhaps all my complaints for it to foster more social experiences like a chat room/twitch chat or the Golden Saucer from FFXIV are unwarranted, in which case I apologize. Maybe you're suppose to use discord in conjunction with this? Anyway, I still think this has its heart in the right place, but can't help wanting more.

GeoKureli responds:

we never got the mouse interacting working the same after converting the game to HD (which messed up all the coordinates). Thruthfully, I wasn't available as much this year and the game suffered from it. Also I assumed most people use keyboard to move and interact, which was how it was generally tested, and no one really mentioned the finnicky mouse interation (Though, it was a known issue).

I'm really hoping someone else takes up the mantle on this next year because it just doesn't fit into my life, anymore, and the project suffered because of that, even though we had more contributors with higher talent, than ever.

Thanks for the review

Still working at it, bit-by-bit.

Lucas Gonzalez-Fernandez @FutureCopLGF

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