Oh man, this is a rough one for me: I really want to like it as it seems like it has a lot of heart to it, but there were just so many little problems that added up over time that ruined my experience.
The game certainly has a lot of charm to it that gives a great first impression. For example, I love the multitude of animations for the characters: not only do they look cute in general, but they have all these subtle animations for idling, standing near ledges, running into walls and so on that give them a lot of life. The time travel mechanics were quite novel as well, hoping back and forth through time periods to get through obstacles added a cool puzzle and experimentation element.
But as I played, it seemed to be a classic case of style over substance, and my interest in the game lowered little by little due to so many issues:
The game in general just had so much jankiness to it. The physics/gravity for jumping seemed very unnatural and inconsistent, and the boundaries/colliders for objects were very awkward: there were tons of times I'd get stuck in places at random for no reason, like walking down a flat road to suddenly stop as if I was blocked by a wall despite there being nothing in the way. Just overall the game felt super rough, like as if I was metaphorically always stubbing my toes or catching my shirt on a nail, and it needs to be sanded down and polished for a more smooth platforming experience.
I hated the trial and error that the game had. The levels seemed to have so many spots where I couldn't tell whether it was a drop to the floor below or a death pit, so all I could do was leap of faith. Teleporting through time could screw you over as it not only costs power which gave me such paranoia in using it, but you can end up teleporting into thin air and falling down and down, losing so much progress. Just so much getting lost and being unsure how to proceed.
There were minor issues that gave it a rather unprofessional feel, such as many typos and weird capitalization for dialogue and menu options, a full screen option in the menu that doesn't work if you use a controller instead of a mouse, and many compressed graphics that looked super blurry and terrible compared to the more sharper uncompressed graphics.
While the time traveling mechanic was ok, it was rather annoying to deal with at times due to the very limited places it could be used and the difficulty to tell what would happen. Similarly, the rotation mechanic felt like it was barely being used and when it was used, it wasn't used in an actual physics way where you can move things bit by bit, but rather used to just trigger an object animation. All of this just made the mechanics feel incredibly token and pointless: no freedom to experiment or have fun in interesting, unguided ways.
I could go on, but you get the picture. Again, I do think the game is promising in concept and already has a decent start, so with some considerable polishing and bug-fixing and some minor redesigns to the mechanics, I think it could become a fun little adventure in execution as well. Best of luck!