Pretty cool game! For the most part, it feels really solid and well-polished in a lot of respects: gameplay is simple, fun and addictive, the characters and world are charming (especially with how the main character ignores the lore and goes straight into action), the game evolves with some interesting obstacles and new mechanics like the arrows, and I like most of the additions brought into this update such as the new level select screen, the 'close call' popup, the score screens, and the nice menus/buttons and transitions. Lots of good stuff here!
However, it ain't all perfect and there were some parts I wanted to note:
*While I do like the new menus/buttons and such overall, they aren't all created equal. For example, while the video and audio menus are great, the control menu is terribly bland and inconsistent in comparison. The title screen is also a bit static and could use a bit more animation to it. The level select menu was also odd is that it feels a bit too zoomed in: could stand to be zoomed out enough to see several levels grouped together, not just one at a time (also, the level select should only let you go as far as your last level, not beyond to the locked levels, pointless and confusing).
*Lots of minor typos in the script (mostly stuff like using "you're" when you should be using "your" and other unnecessary/incorrect punctuation) and minor graphical issues like the text within speech bubbles practically going over the edges: nothing too bad but it just gives a bit of a lesser impression of the game.
*Game felt very lacking in audio, and I'm not even referring to the fact that it defaults the audio to way too muted to begin with. Rather, sometimes it was just audio not being balanced properly with some sound effects being way quieter than others (like the laser shoot and explosion in the intro comic) and sometimes it was just that certain actions that feel like they should have sound, such as the elevator for ending a level or the score screen counting up ticker sounds.
*Speaking of the score screen, I found it very confusing to determine how to get a good rank. I'd have runs where I thought I did awesome get a B and runs where I died a bunch and thought I did terrible get a Z. I didn't know whether deaths factored into score since it is off to the side instead of being part of the main criteria, I don't know why or how tiles are considered part of the score (should I unnecessarily dig more tiles beyond what I need to get to the goal?), and so on and so forth. It would be very helpful if it had par scores/times/etc to go for, and if it would divulge more information on how your score added up based on what elements and how you rank for each individually.
*I didn't like how the game allows you to keep overflow coins from a previous level into another level: it's ok to be able to keep between puzzles within a level, but not beyond that, I feel, especially since if you quit out and go to a level from the level select, it'll start you fresh instead of preserving the coins you carried over. There should be consistency!
*I didn't like how the game allows you to keep coins/arrows you've collected when you reach the barrier without enough. It resets everything else, so why the exception here? I think the challenge should be to have to gather everything in one solid run: it's more fun and requires strategy and execution. If you go to the barrier without even coins/arrows, it should fully reset the entire puzzle, otherwise a player and tediously collect one at a time over several runs, optimizing the fun and challenge out of the game.
*Does the game really end with you just getting the earth element? I was expecting a bit more content, like other worlds to go to with their own elements to gather (they did say there were three at the beginning, yes?), and even if it ends with the earth element I was also expecting it to end with a bit more of a fantastic finish, like a cool boss fight or ending cutscene, not just fade to black and get booted back to main menu. Kind of a letdown despite the fun journey.
*Had a weird glitch: after I beat the game, I tried to go back to the main menu to check out the options but suddenly I couldn't access any of the menus: it'd make sounds when I press buttons but I couldn't go beyond the video menu or access anything, essentially being frozen.
Hoping there will be further development and levels for this game!