It's a decent little game for a bit of fun, but ultimately it did feel rather dry and generic, both in gameplay mechanics and especially due to the lack of any sort of juicy audio/visual effects. Basically it was the equivalent to eating a plain piece of toast: not bad, but not necessarily good either. Obviously it is understandable that it is mostly likely not going to be something crazy good due to the game jam restrictions, but I just want to be honest (and have actually been surprised plenty of times by game jam entries).
If I had any notable bits of feedback other than the obvious, it would be:
*I felt like the visual clarity was lacking for some elements such as the pushable rocks: I didn't even notice them the first time because they are so faded and desaturated and therefore blend into the background. I would prefer if they were treated differently, such as having a more striking outline like you did for the spikes: that would make them pop a bit more into the foreground.
*The difficulty curve was a bit odd. It felt like the levels were doing a good job at being nice and bite-sized until suddenly you have this rather early level requiring you to make long back-and-forth journey with a sizable amount of precise jumps over spikes, all of which can make you have to start the entire sequence all-around again. It really stuck out to me as an unnecessarily tedious roadblock.
*Would appreciate a save/load feature: most likely not the longest game but it can still be nice to take a break.