Hmm, I certainly think this has a lot of potential and is an interesting twist on Survivors-esque gameplay...but I found the execution unfortunately lacking in many respects.
As said, there is a lot of potential here. You've got an interesting and varied cast of characters here, both in terms of charming personality and gameplay actives/passives. The twist of being someone on the sidelines that collects the gems and leaves all the fighting up to your minions could be great: after all, everyone loves being a pet/summon class like necro in ARPGs. I even liked seeing all of the breakroom interactions between missions: it was a nice little reward that reminded me a lot of the Tales Of series skit mechanic which I love (though this incarnation was much more...sultry).
However, it doesn't take long for the gameplay to get very boring and tedious, all thanks, unfortunately, to the core twist of taking a much more passive role in combat. Fights all just felt the same, all in part due to how the arenas just throw enemies at you haphazardly and don't offer up any interesting events like bosses or encirclements or bombardments. It didn't help either how easy the game felt: your fellow warriors can't get hurt and easily dispatch enemies so that they never get close enough to be a threat. Therefore it all just becomes the same: walking around and getting gems effortlessly.
Even worse is that the game was so dry and lacking juice, an absolute critical element for games like this: collecting gems and defeating enemies was so unsatisfying. When I defeat a skeleton, it shouldn't just disappear: there should be an explosion of bones bouncing around! Another aspect that helped the game feel so pointless is that you never see any information on the benefits of leveling up actives and passives. When I level an attack, is the damage going up, or the projectiles, and by how much? Should I even level up a passive when I don't know whether it's going up 1% or 10%?
While it is true that a boss is usually a lazy sod who does profit off of more hard-working employees, which you've unfortunately replicated here accurately, it just doesn't make for fun gameplay. If I had my way, I'd make it so that the boss would have a more active role: they still wouldn't get their hands dirty and would focus on collecting, but there should be more management, like having to heal or revive your employees, rallying/buffing them with motivational speeches, giving them orders to use their special attacks at critical moments, and so on. It'd also be great if there were fun synergies between employees like coop attacks and relationship building, and some fun chatter between them: after all, you've got this great cast of characters, so you should promote them as much as possible, grow them together and have them be active in more aspects than just the breakroom.
Oh and what the hell is going on with the text? It's not only so damn tiny, but it's also artifacted to hell and got all sorts of holes and gaps everywhere: it's just a nightmare to try and read! And the game doesn't even look to save progress either!