Pretty cool experience! Initially, I was turned off from this, as the game seemed very confusing and not well put-together. I understand that part of it might be intentionally glitchy, but it was weird how the character's colliders were just off when it came to trying to avoid hitting walls and pick up objects. Also the objects just made no sense at times: usually an object is interactable if it's grey instead of black, but then some objects were when they were still black? However, credit where credit is due, I was intrigued enough by the story that I kept going and going, wanting to see more. It wasn't exactly the most gripping or unique story or anything, but it was cool to piece things together. Loved how bits and pieces appear while you're moving about backtracking as well: very stylish. I never did beat it though because it just gets a bit too maze-like near the end and you move so slowly through it. Still, was a neat experience.