Hmm, I feel bad for judging it by comparison like this, but I didn't feel like this was as good as your other 'Basically...' outing with Call of Duty Warzone. With that one, it felt great since it served as an excellent meta encapsulation of the battle royale gameplay with funny presentation and jokes. This one, though, just seemed to recap a few scenes from the game word-for-word and didn't really add anything funny to them: it just recreated them and had you guys laughing at your own inside jokes, dragging it out. It didn't even get to the end of the game! I had a lot more fun with the fart version since it was fast and funny, but that was a bit too one-note. My ideal version of this would be something as fast-paced as the fart version, but with your own funny dialogue and jokes that provide a unique take on the game to let us see another side of it.