I really want to like this game as I think it's a cute concept, but execution-wise it made a bit of a mixed impression.
As said, my first impression of the game was pretty bad. The initial levels felt very confusing and frustrating to get to work: it felt like the game relied too much on luck and strange/illogical physics that were difficult to replicate consistently. Sometimes I'd slice something and it'd slice how I want, sometimes it'd just stay still or move completely differently than expected, and it felt confusing and weird how to slice round objects to try and get them to roll. Was begging for some sort of force push I could use to clean things up or get motion going. Furthermore, there was a lot of annoyances like slices/clicks not even registering in the first place at random times.
However, it felt like when the later levels came, the game started to hit its stride, where levels became a lot more simplified, both in terms of the complexity/steps being reduced and the goals being more logical and achievable without relying on weird physics. One could argue that maybe it becomes a bit too much about vague timing for some levels which might be worse for some people, but I quite enjoyed myself. Certainly, while I enjoyed the later simple levels, ideally I would want these levels to be the first ones that people see, and then challenge them with more complex ones later on: basically the levels are out of order!
If the levels were reorganized or culled to focus on the strong ones and create a better difficulty curve, and if the game was polished up a bit more to reduce the jank and create consistency in physics, I think it could be really great! Presentation and concept are already very good and intriguing and make me want to see more despite my bad first impression, so I would consider this an ideal game jam result!