Hmmm, this was a rough one for me! I really want to like it: the game makes a solid first impression with wonderful graphics and a cute world filled with amusing characters, and the idea of making these deliveries while also exploring to acquire upgrades to handle all the obstacles that get in the way of said deliveries was quaint.
So much got in the way of the adventure though!
First and foremost, the game just feels really stiff and laggy. General movement and actions just felt really awkward with strange delays and ignored inputs: felt like I needed to be overly slow and delicate with the game, like it wouldn't be able to keep up and break if I was to play naturally. There were tons of weird events such as, if you break a pot with a heart in it, the space where the pot is will still awkwardly block your movement until the shattering animation and heart has disappeared.
The game was also rather confusing and unintuitive. Why is a furball projectile, something that's technically very soft, necessary to destroy crates, when you'd think that would be handled with stronger melee attacks? If anything, I feel projectiles are best used to hit out-of-reach buttons or something akin to that. Also couldn't there have been some sort of hint that a sponge could be given to the frog, like maybe having the frog say something like 'oh i can't help you right now, i have a massive spill to clean up': I only gave them the sponge out of random desperation. And why is there no interaction prompt above the bunny cop when there is over everyone else, especially considering how important it is to talk to them?
As if that wasn't enough, the game also descends into outright being buggy and glitchy. I had plenty of times where an enemy would be invincible against my attacks for no reason. I found it incredibly awkward how when you pause or look at the map, when you go back to the game, the level will have reset to have everything back in their starting positions instead of preserving where they were. Speaking of pausing, my game eventually crashed when I tried to switch from the map to the pause menu too quickly, and when I reset, suddenly I was locked in a state where I had already finished my deliveries yet still hadn't delivered to anyone...and my jump was suddenly really powerful?
I think it could be a nice game with some more time in the oven: right now it is simply too janky. Not sure how much of it is limitations of the GB Studio engine, but as much as I can sympathize if that's the case, what feels bad is bad, no matter what the excuse.