Pretty impressive game! Entire thing has a really professional design to it, both in terms of menus and gameplay. Game just has so many little touches to it that make it feel great, like the countdown timer for a match starting and so on. I wasn't able to play the multiplayer unfortunately since it wasn't working possibly from lack of players, but kudos for attempting anyway: thanks brains and guts to make a whole multiplayer component. The single player content was great anyway: enjoyed the survival and operations modes, though I wish maybe they were more apparent in the main menu instead of being shoved into ranked. A few confusing aspects for the gameplay: one, was a bit of a bummer I couldn't switch weapons with mousewheel, two, headshots didn't seem to do any bonus damage despite giving bonus cash, three, it's a bit too easy to get shot from off-screen causing frustration. All in all, a really ambitious shooter that delivers on it!