Man, I definitely went a bit back-and-forth on my feelings with this one! At the beginning, I felt like it was a bit lacking: it was difficult and frustrating at times to get used to the controls, physics of rocket jumping and the large spike hit boxes. Furthermore, the level design felt like it was all over the place with weird difficulty spikes followed by a bunch of bland rooms that regress and provide no challenge at all. But once the game introduced the new remote grenade weapon, it actually started to get really fun for me! It felt really cleverly designed to utilize the new weapon to be able to backtrack through the levels to get back the main hub and reach the new zone. From that point on, I liked the challenge of the levels and the cool feeling of switching back and forth between the weapons to use whatever works best. I guess if the game could just be tightened up a bit in terms of physics and the beginning had some of the fat trimmed to keep the pace up, it would be great! But as is, I still had a nice time: just felt like it was one of those games where unfortunately you have to wait for it to get good.