I know I have a history of not being the biggest fan of joke/troll games like this. Perhaps it's unfair, but from my experience, I feel like a lot of game devs make their game jokey or troll-y as a cheap way to deflect criticism and give them an excuse for low effort development. But this one is different: this is what I consider the ideal joke game that should be aspired to, in that as much as it tries to look low-effort as possible, it isn't low-effort at all and actually has some considerable effort and clever construction to it all. In that way, the low-effort veneer is actually an effective way to elevate the humor by acting as a rug-pull, instead of being all there is to it like others.
So yes, I enjoyed my time with this game and was quite impressed with it. Yes, it still has some bad signs in that, technically, the game play is quite simple and can be boiled down to talking to people, walking, and dodging obstacles over and over. But despite being a simple game, the game did so much to enhance the rather simple gameplay with charming design touches. I loved how animated and goofy the game was in all aspects, I loved the deeply layered amount of dialogue present for each character you encounter (and how you were rewarded for expending their dialogue with marriage opportunities), I loved all the little events like climbing the rope/ladder as well as the hidden events like stepping on the craps and eating the urinal cakes, I loved the subtle music references, and so on and so forth. Reminds me of playing a game like Monkey Island: so much to explore and laugh at.
So, uh, yeah, pretty epic, dude.
Also I got married to the wrong dude by accident: thank god the priest blew 'em up, did me a solid.