Pretty cool game that definitely feels like it could become something great! At the moment it looks to have a real solid core in terms of shooting and exploration gameplay, with an interesting variation in enemies to fight through. The primary issues I would say it is lacking in is 1) damage feedback for the player: while the player does frown when hit, it's not immediately apparent to me since my eyes are on where I'm aiming, not on my player 2) bullet sponge enemies, it felt like the game only started to get fun and fast when I got double guns, they were just too spongy at the start 3) some of the enemies I didn't like, such as the stationary pulsers, especially since they had no telegraph for their attack and its range. Game was definitely as its best when you're in a room filled with asteroids and a few of those shooty enemies: dancing through the asteroids, dodging their bullets while filling them fulla lead felt great! More cool combat scenarios like that with some story progression and bosses would be awesome! I could see it being like a metroid game where you progress by collecting upgrades and keys to fill out the map, or a roguelike like isaac where its random and you try to get as far as possible. Possibilities are endless for something with a great core like this!