Short and sweet, just like a strip of bacon! I like the quirky and funny setup that the game presented and it was a fun challenge to get through. This seemed like one of those games where, to make up for the short length, the difficulty was intensified to the extreme: I'm fine with that sort of thing, but for others, I could see it being more preferable to have the game be longer and more spaced out to allow a gradual difficulty increase. Controls were a bit confusing: why was A/D used to move left and right initially, only for it to be removed immediately in favor of moving to wherever the mouse is pointing? It might work better to just have the mouse click power the jetpack, but you still move left and right with A/D, or just start the game with mouse movement anyway. The thing that killed me in this was the whole mash to recover mechanic: it wasn't explained very well and isn't immediately apparent since the numbers are hard to read both in that they blend into the background and rotate with the player, sometimes going upside-down! Also because of the tight nature of the game, you would be forced to mash like crazy to recover and that kills my wrist to click that hard and fast: this game could give you carpal tunnel along with a rage quit because of the difficulty, haha!
Also, the plural of bacon is just bacon, I think, not bacons. Or is it?