Now this is my jam! Goddamn, this game really impressed me with how well it's put together in all respects. The art and story is wonderful with all sorts of goofy characters and a real light-hearted charm to it all: even the game over screen is funny with the grumpy ghost. The gameplay is tight and responsive with notes occurring exactly on the beat from what I could tell (so much that all you have to do is follow the beat, not look at the purple pad). The note charts are super challenging and crazy, and of course, are set to some real bumpin' tunes. Heck, even the options menu is great with a variety of well-needed control schemes (I keep going back and forth between liking default and toggle) and the ability to practice them in a safe zone.
Just to throw some more praise on this, I love all of the little touches that were put in, such as little quips at the beginning of a battle, and the variety of dialogue that plays when you retry a stage. Also, I really appreciate that the game tallies up your notes and scores for grades and personal improvement (though I wish there was a way to press a button to fast-forward or skip the tallying process).
If I were to have any complaints on this game, it'd be that man, it can be a bit difficult to get used to the controls (I keep hitting movement on the beat when I need to only hit space on the beat, augh, so used to DDR), the game escalates a bit too quickly in difficulty (I guess to compensate because there are so few songs), and I wish the top screen had a bit more going on, like maybe showing different damage states for the player and enemy as health gets lower, perhaps. And, of course, my number on complaint is that it's over too fast! Gib me more, more, more!
Not to throw shade or start anything, but hell, move over Friday Night Funkin: you got some real competition here!
EDIT: By the way, I found a funny bug. If you start up a song, and then click out of the game and scroll down (say, to write a review, perhaps), when you go back up to the game a bit later...bullet hell!!!
EDIT 2: Woot, finally found the secret boss! Orchid still remains supreme as the most difficult song though.