Hmm, it's certainly quite stylish and interesting, presentation-wise, and has some interesting gimmicks like the projector screens for displaying information, but overall I feel like I had a bit too much of a confusing and frustrating time. Controls were very awkward and unintuitive at times: why I have to click on things instead of just hitting space bar or enter or down to interact with them is odd and very frustrating, especially when I needed to click on a tiny elevator button when I was outrunning something and the camera was shifting it, making it unnecessarily difficult. And then, once I get used to the mouse clicking, suddenly it goes back and uses space to interact with things instead! Just very odd. Movement in general was very annoying as well with sprints being required for big jumps but, my sprint was very fidgety and would sometimes not work properly, leading to me never feeling confident my jump would work. Still, tempted to go back in just because of the interesting design, so kudos on that.