Very short game, but I felt it had enough decent elements to it that I'd like to see more added to it! Highlights for me were the animations (both sprites and background), enemy variations, neat overall aesthetic and the feedback for hits: the explosive effect and seeing the enemies get knocked back was quite satisfying. Also, I felt like the boss was pretty good for a first boss: decent pattern that is balanced quite well to be a little tricky, but not overly complex to start out, with some cool little touches like being able to reflect its shots with your whip (note that until I realized I could reflect shots, though, I was having a frustrating time fighting it in melee range, so perhaps something should teach the player they can do this in the first place). Gameplay as it stands right now is a little repetitive, but I think a lot could be added to this, and the gorgeous background with all sorts of little touches in it does help to elevate it. It takes a lot to make me play a game that dares to utilize the incredibly heinous jumping physics from Castlevania (no air control), so kudos on that, haha!