Cool horror game! Thought you did a pretty good job at building up a creepy atmosphere: the surprise at the start, the beating sounds of the eggs as you get closer in proximity, the crackle when you accidently shine your light on an egg, the anxiety of going without your light and relying on the monitors to guide you, the music and how it shifts when the shit fits the fan, all in all creepy stuff! The graphics were decent too, though they could be a bit annoying at times: due to the wonkiness of the way the 2d sprites flatten or rotate in 3d space, it was really confusing at times to tell where things are actually located (I had real difficulty picking up the keycard on a floor for example, and eggs were weird to locate at times). This is a minor quibble, but I did find it a bit annoying that C was the flashlight button: why not utilize F which is the more obvious choice and easier to hit without twisting my fingers off the movement keys? Anyway, I wasn't able to make it all the way through yet, but I'm definitely interested in getting back in as you seemed to keep escalating the mechanics as I got farther, so well done (and thanks for the save/load feature)!