Pretty solid game! Had a very stylish presentation all-around and feels like it has a solid core for some fun shooting: everything felt quite smooth, intuitive and well-done. Definitely love all of the juicy effects that the game had, like the ouch effects and the bullets popping up one-by-one for a reload and such.
Nitpicks I have are:
*I think it overdoes it on the whole CRT filter wavy pulse distortion whatever thing. Feels really unnecessary: the game is perfectly cool looking without these flashy effects that just hurt my eyes and make it difficult to read things and ruin the great art assets you've got. I know I can turn it off in the menu, but it starts on by default, so I'm under the assumption that you feel that's the intended experience (and I disagree is all).
*In a similar vein to the above, sometimes I feel like it overdoes it on the juicy effects, especially the 'Ouch' text that pops out of enemies. If you hit them with a fast-firing gun, so much text pops up that it clouds the enemy from vision. Funny in a way, but annoying since it makes it difficult to confirm the enemies status.
*Sounds were a bit muted: would love some more powerful sounds and feedback for enemy kills and such to make it feel more satisfying, as the feedback for shooting enemies didn't feel too great.
*Bit annoying that you can't manually reload from what I can tell, which makes it really awkward where you're left with a few bullets after a fight and start the next fight in a bad spot, unless you shoot into the air inbetween fights to empty it enough to force a reload.
*The cursor isn't locked in game which can lead to clicking outside the game by accident during heated combat and losing focus (and then subsequently losing health).
*While the game was nice, it got rather repetitive for me quickly. The vast majority of the levels boiled down to playing clean-up by fighting the same types of unchallenging enemies over and over. Thank god for the boss fights which spiced up the experience, but they were few and far between. Could definitely use more something to add more variety, like more enemy variety, more objective/special event variety, more interesting weapons/items, etc (and if there are, the game should get to them faster because I was dropping off before I saw them).
To sum it up: I think it's very well put-together and impressive, but overall was very basic and lacking a standout element. The gameplay loop got quite repetitive rather quickly due to a lack of said unique hook, be it through story, gameplay mechanics, pacing, or whatever. Basically, it feels like a very juicy and promising prototype/proof of concept that I'd love to see amped up! The characters are pretty cool looking: something as simple as some extra story intro or narrative to flesh them out and give them an objective in gameplay would help more than you think, at least for me!