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Not too shabby: for as simple as it is, I had fun with this puzzle memory game and it's strangely a little addictive due to its nice little touches. Though it is quite minimalistic in terms of graphics, it is still no slouch as you have nice eases, flips and pops that elevate it above others. I wish it had a bit more juice to it, though, such as having elevated-pitch sound effects as you click on tiles or something of that nature. The upgrade system might be a bit meh as well, since I think the only one worth it is extended observation time.

Very solid and well put-together platformer! All-around had a good amount of pizazz and tight controls, particularly when it came to difficult things like wall-jumping, which usually can be finicky for some games, but I had no problems doing a wall jump in this game (having said that, doing wall jumps straight up can be a little slow and boring). The only downside to this game was that I wanted more, more, more!

Not too shabby! I was initially a little worried because it just seemed to be a retread of the previous game with some of the same minor issues in it, but you made some great head-scratching puzzles out of the mechanics in place that had me stumped for awhile, but eventually got solved with some great 'eureka' moments, so your puzzle design looks to be on-point.

Really solid game here! Cuts right to the chase instead of dealing with boring story, and all of the elements (sound, music, graphics, gameplay, etc) seem to be good all-around. Was very impressed at the inventive puzzles that the game has; had some great 'eureka' moments with them, and it really sets it apart from what could just be a typical zelda-clone. Could maybe use a little more pizzaz for the combat, but I'm hopeful enough that it does build up as you get powers and new enemies in the other dungeons.

Wolod responds:

Thank you for the kind words! I hope so too :D

Really cool concept and presentation here with the whole horror element. Game has lots of nice touches like blood, bone gibs, and the screams of the villagers in text bubbles. But while those elements should give a cool feel of empowerment, the game makes you feel like a real wimp: taking damage is headache-inducing as you get barraged by red flashes, blurry, shaky screens and loud noises. Furthermore, you can get stuck on level geometry, and the difference between eating and stomping can be really annoying to deal with as it's difficult to tell when you're doing which (and it sucks to stomp something you were trying to eat). Definitely a little bit too frustrating for what should be an archdemon; a little re-balancing could help greatly.

It's nice to have the information and such to promote Newgrounds and educate people, so I applaud the noble intentions. But at the moment, I think the presentation needs some work, as right now, it's nothing more than a wall of text, essentially (and painfully small text, at that, which is difficult for me to read). Given that you've made a whole game around it, I'd expect the presentation to be more dynamic than a powerpoint: I'd love it to have less text and more images and interactions to really learn the information in a fun way!

Little-Rena responds:

I need more ideas on what to make interactive.

It's got some great puzzle elements and designs in there, but it's been held back greatly by the buggy nature in which the main mechanic, gravity, operates. The player and the moveable boxes would move in very unnatural and buggy ways for me: sometimes they would slip and slide around, sometimes they would stop on a dime, sometimes they glitch out and pop up for no reason, sometimes they'd move in a different direction than prompted. I think if this could be ironed out, it'd be a real nice game, but as of right now, it's too buggy for me. Also, the lazer timers being hidden by the walls they are attached to is a bit frustrating for feedback.

Not too shabby! It's certainly a little buggy and raw (it is a WIP), but I think it's got a good core as it is fun and cool to traverse the track; certainly a lot farther along than I would expect from a WIP compared to others. With a little more polish and juice, especially in the sound-effect department to help with feedback, I think you could make a really great racer here.

Really cool game with some interesting presentation and mechanics. The focus on movement over aiming, which was relegated to an automatic 'field-of-fire' was an interesting idea for a fast-paced game, but I feel like it went a bit too fast at times for the game to work properly. Really rode the line between challenge and frustration. The auto-aiming toggle was a bit unintuitive, but you get used to it eventually. It felt like dodging enemy fire, especially spread-shot enemies was just down to luck at times since there's not a good way to react to them. Confirming enemy kills was difficult and haphazard given the speed of gameplay not allowing enough time for feedback, especially considering they need multiple shots to down, not just one, and it's difficult to tell which and how many times you actually shoot them since it's automatic. Basically a really cool idea and slick presentation, but the design is fighting itself at times instead of synergizing, I think. Fast games are difficult to do though and I admire this attempt.

Also the black screens where you are unprompted were a bit confusing to get through at times.

Pretty bog-standard game that doesn't have much special elements to it, but the core is there and functional that you can build from with better hitboxes, feedback, and progression. Some polish and juice can make this thing shine.

Still working at it, bit-by-bit.

Lucas Gonzalez-Fernandez @FutureCopLGF

Age 36, Male

Computer Guy


Joined on 11/21/06

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